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Sleep Deprivation: The Effects on Mind and Body

When building a healthy lifestyle, the importance of adequate sleep cannot be stressed enough. Both mind and body need rest to function at peak efficiency. Without it, your mental, emotional, and physical health suffer, potentially pushing you further away from your personal goals. When you sleep, you give your body the time it needs to cleanse, stabilize, and heal itself.

Confronting the Workplace Bully

Bullying is often considered something we think about when recalling moments from our childhood. We automatically turn to the experiences of youth in middle school or high school. But as adults we also experience bullying, and despite a change in environment and age, the look and feel of the bully is the same. They are individuals that have been given, and have assumed, the power to decide if you will be rewarded as an insider or mistreated as the outsider.

Why We’re Celebrating the Passage of HR 6082 and the Promise of Better Health and Behavioral Health Integration

If you’ve talked to anyone at Mental Health America (MHA) in the past few years about our goal to achieve better health and behavioral care integration, chances are you’ve heard an earful about an impediment called “42 CFR Part 2.”

That may not be the case much longer.

42 CFR Pt. 2 is an archaic federal regulation that dates to the early 1970s – when all health records were on pieces of paper and there were few legal protections against discrimination because of a substance use disorder.

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