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How Georgetown University is Addressing High Costs in College Mental Health Care

I met Elizabeth* after she set up an appointment with the Counseling and Psychiatric Service (CAPS) at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.

She first experienced suicidal ideation at 15 and needed support in her transition to college. “I only knew that I wanted everything to end. So I could stop hurting,” she said. “My freshman year was a difficult adjustment, but with CAPS’ assistance, I made it through. I was able to be successful despite my mental illness,” she said.

Dating in the Internet World with Mental Illness

Dating is tough.

It’s hard to find someone you click with, but it is even harder when you have an illness. A mental illness.

And online dating? Well, that brings up its own set of difficulties because when you meet someone online you aren’t really talking to them.

They are not able to see you or your personality. And I am not my illness. It is a part of me, but there is a whole lot more to me as a person.

How Trump's Budget Will Affect People with Mental Health Conditions

Typically, much of the budget takes form as a narrative about the administration’s strategy and perspective about the nation over the next ten years.

And though Congress is not bound by the President’s budget - the House and Senate agree to their own separate budget deal - the President’s budget is a request to Congress that highlights the Administration’s priorities.

We combed through the budget and found several key provisions that could affect people with mental health and substance use disorders.

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