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Asian and Pacific Islander Mental Health: Historical context and cultural beliefs

Communities of API descent come from a variety of cultures and experiences. This includes over 40 countries and territories. These cultures have seen the rise and fall of ancient civilizations, political conflict, and the effects of colonization.

War has torn through several Asian countries, including Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. This caused individuals to flee, many to the U.S. During World War II, Japanese Americans were subjected to internment camps in the U.S.

Most API communities are familiar with the effects of land appropriation. Native Hawaiians and Polynesians have been most recently affected by mass colonization. The isolation of many Pacific Islander communities has led to high costs of living. People of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander descent are almost two times as likely to live in poverty than white populations.

In South Asian territories, British colonization led to inequities across groups. This further contributed to poor economies, lack of resources, and violence. For South Asian Americans, there is a long history of systemic discrimination in the U.S. This included bans on citizenship and immigration.

Despite these struggles, API Americans have made major contributions to American society. These contributions include high economic involvement, the origins of birthright citizenship, technology, medicine and more. The inclusion of holistic medicines has shaped the way many Americans live. API influences on food, festivals, architecture, art, fishing, and surfing also have shaped much of U.S. culture.

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