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10 Ways to Cheer Someone Up Right Now

By Emily Skehill, Manager of Peer Advocacy, Supports, and Services at Mental Health America

It’s safe to say that most people are having a tough time right now. Talking through your feelings can be helpful, but it’s also important to…Read More

Tele-mental health now and from now on

By Debbie Plotnick, Vice President of State and Federal Advocacy

As Mental Health America’s (MHA) Vice President for State and Federal Advocacy, it is my job (and my passion) to push people (mostly legislators and policy makers) to make…Read More

7 Tips for Keeping A Routine For Your Wellness

By Sydney Daniello, Programs Intern at Mental Health America

Routines have a bad reputation of being dull, boring ruts we fall into over time. But a lot of routines can actually be really helpful for maintaining both our physical and…Read More

How Yoga Can Improve Body Image

By Tara Caguiat, Freelance Writer,

Wikipedia defines body image as, “a person's perception of the aesthetics or sexual attractiveness of their own body. It involves how a person sees…Read More