Workplace mental health resources for employers

In the last several years, employers have seen a notable emphasis on mental health and wellness in the workplace. We’ve gathered information and resources to answer frequently asked questions and offer practical ways you can make mental health a priority throughout your organization.

Getting started

Leveling up current support

Investing in benefits

Becoming a thought leader

Getting started

Are you new to workplace wellness? If you want help getting started, we offer various resources to inspire the conversation about mental health in the workplace, help host events that educate workers about mental health and available support, and support you in making the case to leadership on why workplace mental health matters.

Leveling up current support

Want to take your workplace wellness efforts to the next level? Find resources that address factors that directly affect workers' mental health, including improving people management, incorporating inclusive practices, and supporting workers who advocate for mental health in the workplace.

Investing in benefits and offerings

Is your workplace ready to invest more into its wellness efforts? Let’s talk about investing in the best benefits and offerings that support workers’ mental health by exploring these resources.

Becoming a thought leader

Is your organization at the forefront of the workplace mental health movement? Elevate your efforts and find resources to help assess your workforce’s needs, draft an organizational workplace mental health strategy, and examples of meaningful policy and programmatic change driven by workers.

Hot Topic Inc. logoHot Topic Case Study

Learn how MHA partner and sponsor Hot Topic strives to create a supportive workplace culture in this recently published case study.

Read case study

Download case study (PDF)


Learn more about workplace mental health

Find more mental health resources for your employees and get your workplace certified.

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