Download printable calendar tips (PDF)

1. Write down three specific self-care goals for the month and post them where you’ll see them.

Read more about self-care

2. Spend some time in nature today. Whether it’s taking a walk, smelling the flowers, or sitting by a tree, nature can make you feel calmer.

Learn about how nature impacts your mental health.

3. Check in on your own mental health. Take a mental health test at It’s free, anonymous, and confidential.

4. Try sharing your mental health story on social media or with close friends. This brave act can help reduce stigma in your community.

Get inspired by the stories on our YouTube channel.

5. Our physical health is linked to our mental health. Find some time to move your body today in whatever way feels right for you.

Not sure what to do? Try yoga. We’ll show you how.

6. Take some time today to de-stress and unwind. Do a hobby you enjoy — or try a new one if you don’t have a go-to hobby.

Feeling stuck? Download this coloring page.

7. Practice good sleep habits. Resist the urge to zone out on social media or watch TV and make your room cool, dark, and quiet. Aim for 8 hours of sleep.

Learn more about sleep and mental health.

8. Create a “calm space” in your home. Include things that help you relax, like your favorite blanket or book. Use this space when you need time to yourself.

Find out more about what makes a healthy home environment.

9. Take some time to reflect on the causes you care about. Think of one way you can support these causes whether it is with your time, donations, etc.

Check out our blog: 10 Ways to Volunteer Your Time for Mental Health.

10. Spend 10 minutes doing a journaling exercise. Write down whatever is on your mind and notice how you feel when you finish.

Treat yourself to a new journal from the MHA Store.

11. Mother’s Day: Send a “thank you” card or text to someone in your life today. Sharing gratitude can help you feel more positive too.

Use this cute template.

12. Help yourself while helping others: Declutter by donating old clothes, toys, books, etc. Clearer spaces can help your mind feel clearer as well.

Learn more about how helping others helps you.

13. Try a breathing exercise to feel more calm and grounded. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4, exhale for 4, and hold again for 4. Repeat as needed.

More of a visual person? Try this guided breathing exercise.

14. Read this affirmation today whenever you need it: “We’re all first-time humans. Give yourself grace as you keep learning and changing.”

Follow us on Instagram – we love posting affirmations and other inspiring content!

15. Today is Mental Health Action Day! Check out our latest action alerts to find out more about how you can take action to support mental health efforts.

16. Go somewhere you’ve never been. This could be as simple as taking a different route home. Mixing it up can be refreshing and open you up to new possibilities.

17. Spend some time with a furry friend to lower stress hormones and boost your mood. If you don’t have a pet, see a friend who does or volunteer at a shelter.

Read more about how animal companionship improves mental health.

18. Your mind functions best when your basic needs are met. Do your best to drink at least 64 ounces of water today to stay hydrated.

19. Think of one person who you’d like to strengthen your relationship with. Schedule a time to connect on the phone or to meet in person.

Making friends as an adult can be hard. Get tips here.

20. You deserve rest and you do not need to earn it. Take a nap, sit quietly in nature, or enjoy your lunch break without working.

Read more about work-life balance.

21. Try a new coping skill today. Some examples are: belly breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, playing with a pet, or watching your favorite movie.

MHA can help you build your coping toolbox.

22. What causes matter to you? Think of one way you can support these causes whether it is with your time, donations, etc.

Join MHA’s Be Seen in Green fundraiser this May!

23. Reflect on what boundaries you need to live a more peaceful life. If you feel ready, communicate your boundaries to the people involved.

Try our new Building Boundaries tool.

24. Connect with your spirituality if this is something you want to explore. Try joining a faith community, spending time in nature, volunteering, etc.

Check out MHA’s tips for nurturing your spirit.

25. Look for a community event to attend. Some examples of this might include a local film festival, a community potluck, a sports game, etc.

Read more about connecting with your community.

26. Memorial Day: Plan a cookout or game night with loved ones. Connecting with people you care about can increase your happiness.

Social connections and recreation can also help you live a longer, healthier life.

27. Experiment with a new recipe, write a poem, paint, color, or try a Pinterest project. Creative expression and overall well-being are linked.

Read about the role of art in one woman’s healing journey.

28. Try asking someone: “How are you, really?” today to get a better sense of how they’re doing, deep down.

See what happened when MHA asked this question.

29. Make a list of your strengths! If this feels hard, try asking people close to you what they think your top 3 strengths are.

Need tips for building your self-esteem? Find them here.

30. Plan a break for yourself. You could ask your boss for time off, think of things you might want to do on vacation, consider a “staycation,” etc.

Taking time for yourself is important!

31. Write a letter to yourself to celebrate all the actions you’ve taken this month to support mental health.

We also have some great stickers and magnets if that’s more your thing!