Mind the Workplace

Workplace Mental Health: Data, Statistics, and Solutions
For many of us, a quarter to a third of our lives will be spent in the workplace. On a daily basis, we will spend more waking hours in our workplace than at home, and experience more exchanges with team members than family members. Job satisfaction and levels of productivity depend on workplace culture, work demands, work support, and work rewards. Simultaneously, an organization relies on a productive and engaged workforce to remain competitive and meet external demands.
Mental Health America (MHA) recognizes the psychological impact that workplaces can have on their employees. Millions of employees spend a large part of their day, and lifetime, at work, increasing the effect that workplace environments can have on psychological well-being. MHA’s research is part of an ongoing commitment to uncovering workplace disparities and addressing the psychological needs of the workforce.
Mental Health America's new Mind the Workplace 2022 Report: An Employer's Responsibility to Employee Mental Health seeks to answer the latest question on business leaders' minds: "How can employers meaningfully support employee mental health in 2022?" Data in the report comes from the Work Health Survey, which measured the perceptions of 11,300 employees across 17 industries in the United States between October 30, 2020 – August 31, 2021. The findings reflect that positive workplace mental health requires investment (i.e., time, intention, and action) from all levels of an organization, including executive leadership, management, and employees.
Download the Mind The Workplace 2022 Report