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Transmasculine mental health

young person with transgender flag painted on cheek and wearing rainbow suspenders walks outside

Being transmasculine is not a mental health condition. However, the discrimination that transgender people experience can increase the possibility of them developing a mental health condition.

A transgender man is a man who was assigned female at birth. In the U.S., 1.6 million people ages 13+ identify as transgender. More than one-third of these people identify as transgender men.

Transgender men are a part of a larger spectrum of transmasculine identities. This includes people assigned female at birth who identify with masculinity. Non-binary and gender-fluid people may identify as transmasculine.

Challenges to transmasculine mental health

Transmasculine people face the challenges that all transgender people face, such as:

  • Harassment and discrimination
  • Unemployment and poverty
  • Misgendering and dead-naming
  • Bullying
  • Lack of legal protection
  • Lack of health care coverage, especially gender-affirming services

But transmasculine people may be especially impacted by:

Gender dysphoria is the distress a transgender person feels due to a mismatch between their gender and the sex they were assigned at birth. For example, experiencing menstruation can be distressing for many transmasculine people. Transmasculine people may also struggle with the appearance of their chest and genitals not matching their gender identity. They can experience dysphoria around their voice as well, wishing it were lower and deeper.

Cultural ideas about gender can be particularly impactful for transmasculine people. Transgender men who “pass” as a person who was assigned male at birth report being more respected at work. On the other hand, they share that after transitioning, people were less vulnerable with them. Casually talking to strangers and kids felt harder because they were perceived as more threatening. Transmasculine people may face distress about navigating their new position in society.

Transphobic violence tragically impacts the individuals who are affected and their communities. Transgender people are four times more likely than non-transgender people to be victims of a violent crime. Transmasculine people may fear discrimination and violence from men who are not transgender. BIPOC transmasculine people face more violence at the hands of law enforcement than white transmasculine people. Experiencing violence increases suicidal ideation and suicide attempts for transgender people.

Taking care of your mental health

It can be daunting to face the barriers that get in the way of transmasculine mental wellness. However, there are a number of things that transmasculine individuals can do to support their mental health.

Finding community and belonging is a powerful tool for transgender mental health. If you are a student, check to see if there are LGBTQ+ pride groups at your school. You can also join support groups, social media forums or advocacy organizations.

It can be helpful to have someone to talk to who affirms your gender identity. LGBTQ+-affirming therapists can support you through your exploration of your gender identity. They can also help you work through challenges that can arise as you transition. To find an LGBTQ+ affirming therapist near you, you can check out your local LGBTQ+ community center. You can also search for therapists at

Relieving chest dysphoria by using a binder (when done safely) can reduce suicidal ideation and anxiety. You can try wearing gender-affirming clothing, packing, or taking testosterone. You may also choose to get anatomical surgeries to match your physical appearance with your gender identity.

You deserve to receive the care and services you need. In some states, health insurance must cover transgender care recommended by your provider. This includes surgeries and hormone therapy. You can learn more about your state’s laws that protect transgender people.

Positive media representation of transmasculine people can increase your self-esteem. Look for books, TV shows, and social media accounts with positive transmasculine representation. Connecting with this content can help you feel more validated in your identity.

Take a Mental Health Test

If you are struggling with your mental health, take an anonymous, free, and private mental health test. It only takes a few minutes, and after you are finished you will be given information about the next steps you can take based on the results.

Take a screen

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat You can also reach Crisis Text Line by texting HELLO to 741741.

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