Life on Campus

Mental health issues are on the rise on college campuses across the country. Better and accessible screening as well as earlier diagnosis of mental health conditions are critical to getting quality treatment and improving one's quality of life. This has allowed more students with mental health conditions to go on to college and be successful.
Living in a new environment outside the familiarity of home can create overwhelming and stressful circumstances. College students can greatly benefit from understanding that a certain amount of stress is normal, but that too much stress can be unhealthy and unproductive. Knowing the signs of stress, its causes and how to manage it can be a great tool in promoting and preserving good mental health.
A team of KCAD Digital Art and Design students as a part of the EPIC project created an animation for Mental Health America. The goal of the animation is to compel people that suspect they have mental illness to take a screening on the MHA site.