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MHA Conference Award Nominations

Main Awards Page
Award Categories
2024 Recent Winners
Previous Winners

2024 award nominations are now closed

Who is eligible?

  • Each award has different eligibility criteria. Please review our award categories page to learn more about what information is covered on the submission form. 
  • Self-nominations are accepted.
  • Previous nominees who did not receive an award may be nominated again.

Selected Awardees

The Youth Policy Advocacy Award will be given during the Policy Institute on Tuesday, September 17. The winner of the Youth Policy Advocacy Award will have their travel to the event covered, receive a complimentary registration to the Mental Health America Conference September 19-21 and up to two free nights at our host hotel, the Capitol Hilton.

Main Conference awardees will be honored during the Mental Health America Conference, September 19-21.

Main Conference awardees receive one complimentary registration to the Mental Health America Conference, up to $500 for travel to Washington, DC and up to two nights stay at our host hotel, the Capitol Hilton.